Monday, 27 February 2012

Unit 32:1 (Ident)

1.A channel indent is when a radio or TV station or network identify's themselves they usually do it by a call sign or brand name. Channel indent's are usually a short clip or animation and it is commonly done in the halfway point during a TV presentation or in-between programs.

There are 3 characteristics within every channel indent's which they all have in common:

  • On every Idents it always show the channels name and the logo, because this reinforces the audience to make sure that everyone is visually aware of what channel they are watching.
  • Have you ever realised that each Ident always uses different instrumentals and only sometimes uses voice overs. 
  • All the indents have got a lot of footage been put into one there are short clips or animations, the reason is because it eye catching, keeps the viewers interesting, its colourful. 30 seconds is long enough to imprint the logo into the views memory.

2.The reasons why we need channel idents is because its eye catching, makes it interesting for the audience, makes sure the audience doesn't get bored it also makes the audience stay on the same channel. It needs to make the viewers aware of the linked media to the channel such as radio and other channels. The strongest thing of each Idents is that they are representation of the channels. The identity has to be unique, each idents have to be different and also creative because channels spend millions on idents. They sometimes use actor from famous shows to pull in the audience and create continuity. The marketing deal with the creating of the idents.

Unit 32:2 (Critical Evaluation - For OR Against)

For OR Against

I am going to discuss two different channel Idents  within BBC ONE & BBC TWO.

First I'm going to talk about BBC ONE and why I'm for it. Our group looked at the colours of the Ident which is for both genders females & males, also the colours can represent cultures and nations coming together which show unity. The Idents starts of with a grey and rainy day, then the sun comes out ansd there is more colour shown when the BBC ONE logo come into the shot. This shows us that if your having a bad day you can turn to BBC ONE and it chances your mood and makes you fill more positive. The circle represents the world as the world as been in the BBC Ident logo for around 50years and this shows continuity with all the BBC ONE Idents. The target audience for this ident is everyone as it doesn't just have feminine colours like pink or masculine colours like blue.

Now I'm going to talk about BBC TWO and why I'm against it. The Ident looks non-interesting because it uses colours like grey and black also the colours are dim which reminds me of old movies. Secondly the Ident reminds me of channel 4s Idents which doesn't make it original. Another thing is that the Ident is to complicated which makes it hard for people to know who its aimed at. 

Monday, 6 February 2012

Mind Maps - Three Jobs

Key points of mind maps

-Improves the way that you can record information
-You can quickly identify and understand the structure of the main topic
-Mind maps help you remember information
-They help you to make association easily and generates for new ideas
-Useful techniques that can help you learn more and effectively

Mind maps are useful for

-Consolidating information from different research sources
-Thinking through complex problems 
-Presenting information
-Studying and mesmerizing information

Andy has given me an assignment for me to complete. I had to go onto the computer and do some research on three different job roles which I would like to do when I am older as a career. I looked up 2D COMPUTER ANIMATION, GRAPHICS DESIGN and FILM EDITING. Once I found the research I had to make three mind maps of each job and here they are:




Power Point New Corp

Understanding the media industry 


BBC - National burst
BBC 1 - Variety
BBC 2 - Alternate to BBC 1- Comedy
BBC 3 - Alternate comedy
BBC 4 - Documentary



Sales of TV programmes
License fee
Product placement 

Andy gave us an assignment which I had to complete, I had to look at different company and found out some research of each company and which ever one I thought was more interesting I had to make a power point on it. I thought I would make a power point on News Corporation, here's my power point:

Contracts for employment

Unit 16: 3 (New York City - Green Screen)

Unit: 16:3 (Vintage 8)