Gumbasia animation is a 10 second to 3 minutes of a short film produced in 1953 and released on September 2 1955. Art Clokey produced the first clay animation, he made Gumbasia out of clay. Its doesn't have a narrative and it looks quite abstract, he uses bright colours and lots of different shapes. All the shapes merge into another shape, the back ground is funky and also adds to the abstract feeling of the footage.
Sue set an assignment for me to complete, I had to work in a group of four so I worked with Alessandra, Raymond and Geoffrey. We had to make a short video by using Gumbasia animation and we had to make it out of clay. We messed about with the clay for a bit to get a rough idea so we could make our short video, we decided to make shapes and roll it about for a bit, then once we sorted out what we were roughly going to do we used the same shape to turn them into monsters. We then added some Gumbasia music to the footage so it could be more effective and interesting while everyone is watching it. I think everything went well I really enjoyed making our video. The thing that didn't go so well was when we were making it I didn't understand what we were making, how we were making it, so then I had to do some research so I could help the group out and make a good video. If we was to do this assignment again I think next time we should plan it more and try and not waste time because our time was limited.
Aardman started to make short films by using clay animation. He is also known as Aardman studios, because he was always in the studio called British studio. Aardman is known for clay animation and stop - motion for example Morph, Chicken Run, Wallace and Gromit, Flash Away, Shaun the Sheep etc.
Morph is a children's character made out of orange clay, he was created by Aardman specifically for deaf children as there is no speech, however he become much more popular with the general public in the programme Take Hart.
I think the strengths of clay animation is that it's easy to make, easy to animate, quick to make it once its heated up, easy to move about and if you need to change something you can do it there and then. Also when you make clay animations the films are supposed to be short.
I think that there are lots of limitations of using clay animation because every time I tried to move my character my hand kept getting in the way of the shots. It was hard for the clay to stay in one place, for example when I made my character start climbing up the rocks he kept falling off and breaking his arms or legs. Using clay animation isn't realistic as once I started to mess about with the clay to make my characters the clay wasn't strong enough. For example, when my super morph came to save the little boy I had to use string so I could make him fly but because the clay was too heavy and wasn't as strong as before it kept on breaking, so I had to try and put it back together and start from the previous. My animation was 30 seconds long, but it took me hours to complete this task, that's the only thing about using clay, but once I finished filming my shots the editing was finished within 15 minutes.
Right now I'm going to compare clay animation and cut out animation. Cut out animation is when you use all different types of magazines, news papers, pictures, text. It's simple all you have to do is cut out what you like then try and make a story line of your cut out. You have to go on to a software called IStopMotion and you have to move the pictures slowly and take a picture so once you have finished then play it back to you, you will have a moving footage of what you just did.
In my own opinion I don't think that there is a big difference in using clay animation or cut out animation because you are doing the same thing but one is with clay and the other one is with paper. If I had to this assignment again I wouldn't know which one to pick because either way they both have their limitations. The similarities of using clay animation and cut out animation is the fact that you have to come up with a storyline then you have to move your image slightly every time to take a picture. So once your footage has all be captured it is a final moving image, then you have to edit your video by putting effects, sound effects, credits ect.
Both of my assignments went well, I really enjoyed making both of my videos out of clay and cut out. I don't think that anything went wrong. I wouldn't change anything if I had to do this assignment again I would just make it more professional, because I have got the experience to know how to do it, what to do and how to use the software, so I will set it up better and make it look more sleek.
I've gained great experience to do lots of different animation for example I've done clay animation, cut out animation, zoetrope animation and Eadward Muybridge. I don't have a certain animation that I really enjoyed because I enjoyed all of them, but if I had to pick out of the four animations I think I would want to do the clay animation again.